
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Party Kits Get Some Press

Check it out... my Party Kits are highlighted today on Bay Area Mommy blog! It's a very nice write up. I definitely thank the gals over there for featuring my work!

If you haven't seen their blog yet, you have to check it out (especially if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area of course.) They highlight local stores and products, but they also list great things to do around the bay. If you're needing ideas of where to go, or what's going on, be sure to check out their site on Fridays. They post a great weekend edition.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

5 Things for Dad on His Day

Tomorrow's Father's Day, and like always, I'm scrambling to figure out what to do for my husband... he's the kind of guy that doesn't need any "thing..." So, here's what I came up with:

1. No fathering on Father's Day...
Some fathers may disagree with this... but I know for me on Mother's Day, it's nice to be with the kids, but not have to "be" with them per say... So, on Father's day for my husband this year, he can leave the "joys" of parenting to me. (i.e., stopping the fights, the whining, the demands for this and that... you know...)

2. Let him play that 18 holes of golf...
It doesn't quite fit in with our plans tomorrow... but I'll give him a rain check on this one... just get it on the calendar now, since a surprise all-day golf game can sometimes not be what everyone was "expecting" for that day.

3. Let Him Watch, Listen, and Constantly Check-in with the Sporting World
So, NBA and Hockey are over... there's still baseball, and this Father's Day, the US Open. Where ever we are, I'll be sure to let him check the scores or watch these fabulous events as often as he'd like!

4. Bring him that Lovely Glass of Wine before he either gets one himself, or asks!
OK, so it may just be past noon, but who cares... if he wants a glass of wine (beer, or cocktail), he can have it!

5. Make him his Favorite Meal
My husband has already put in his order for dinner tomorrow night... and it even involves him grilling. How can I deny his stomach something he's been thinking about for several days!!

Possibly I'll come up with some other miraculous gift before now and then... but if not, I hope this list will let him know what an amazing dad and husband he is!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer User Guide: A Summer Must!

I just love, love, love this book, Summer, A User's Guide by Suzanne Brown. I just had to share. If you're ever having one of those days... this is the "go to" book.

If it's a summer day, open it up, and get that carefree summer attitude. If it's any other time of the year, still open it up, and reminisce of summer days!

No summer book is complete without SOMETHING about s'mores, and this book, of course has it. Don't worry, this isn't the last s'mores post you'll see from me this summer. Stay tuned for more!

Here's another spread... some fish taco recipe, and some great beach scenery. My pic probably doesn't do it justice, so get the book to see more details!

So, if you're not quite ready for summer... or you're actually ready for the kids to get BACK in school [and they just got out]... I suggest picking up this book. It'll definitely change your attitude!

relax, enjoy, and hurray for summer!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Flags, Flags and Flags!

I know I'm 2 days late, but I wanted to get in a little post about flags... specifically the American Flag. I've always been a big "flag day" person. It's not like our family really celebrated it, but since my name is shared with one of the original seamstress' of the flag, Betsy Ross, I've always felt a kinship to the flag and it's day!

This time of year, flags are everywhere... So festive, so summer, so fourth of July! Here are some of my favorite finds...

Photo from WalktheTalk on Etsy

What a cute Flag Banner by fellow etsian "walkthetalk". I like the uneven-ness, and love the stitched stars. Check out her Etsy Store.

This bib is adorable! I wish my kids were young enough to still wear one of these! This is created by another Etsian - Krispybanana... Check out her store: Krispybanana on Etsy.

photo from Williams-Sonoma

Last week I received the new Williams-Sonoma catalog with this flag table setting in it. I just love it... right down to the tin buckets and cherry pie a la mode! Mmmm, summer.

I hope you got your flag out, dusted it off and put it up proudly last Sunday for Flag Day... if not, get it out now, and dust it off... the fourth will be here before ya know it!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

School's Out for SUMMER!

Yay, it's finally the last day of school!! The transition between school time and summer time is always a bit rocky at our house. Many summer activities (like swim team), start up well before school is over. So, for the last month or so, we are bouncing between being in school, and wanting it to be summer!! Now it's finally here, the last day of school for my daughter!! Yay!!

I've been asking many friends if they had any special traditions in their family on the last day of school... and suprisingly there's been a resounding "no, we did nothing special." Even my own mom admitted that nothing happened at our house either.

Being the gal that I am... I'm all for traditions... So I racked my brain... do we do any end of school traditions?

Well, I have to admit... we do have one tradition that may seem a bit bizarre, but we love to play the classic rock song, "School's Out," by Alice Cooper. Ironically this tradition really came to the forefront when my son, then 2, loved to belt out the lyrics!! The best part is he wasn't even in school at the time! (Watch the video if you want to see more :))

2. Picture at the Front Door
We always take a picture at the front door on the first day of school... so I decided this year to take one on the last day of school too. You've got to print them out, and make sure your kids can see just how much "smarter" they look. :)

3. Their Choice Dinner
My kids LOVE ravioli, so I think we know what were having tonight. You could let them decide on a place to go out to eat too, if they'd like that better (and you don't want to cook!)
4. Wait to celebrate on the 1st DAY of Summer Break
The last day of school is loaded with school parties and craziness.... perhaps the tradition is better if started on the 1st DAY of summer break vs. the last day of school! That is where we are sort of heading this year with the tradition-- and that's not just because it's also my birthday... :)
We're lucky we're close enough to the coast... so we're going to get in some beach time!! (Although, it may be mightly foggy and cold...). Another big hit is going swimming-- any pool will do, even if it's in the back yard! Have your kids help plan the day, so they can look forward to it!
I would love to hear about your last day of school traditions... or your first day of summer fun! I hope you have a great day!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Big Day for our Little Grad!

Well, it's official, we are no longer a family with a preschooler!
Our youngest has graduated to the big, academic world of Elementary School! :)

Look at his smile... doesn't it just say, "Yeah! I'm outta here!!"
Little does he realize, he has a mere 17 or so years to go!! :)

It was a great day, though. Just what he ordered...
his graduation ceremony in the morning,
out to lunch for curly mac and cheese with his sister,
a small jaunt to the toy store for some summer time sidewalk chalk,
his kung-fu class,
and raviolis for dinner!
Doesn't that sound like a good way to celebrate?

Well, it's so long to another chapter in our life...
and hello to many many more chapters!
I can't wait!

Congrats to the Class of 2009!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More Thanks to those Great Teachers

It's the end of the school year, and things are just plain crazy over in my world. There's end-of-the-year picnics, and school dances, a graduation, and our summer swim team is in full force (yes, and the kids aren't out of school yet.) ... but wait, ACK, there's the gift for the teachers too!

Fortunately, I've got that covered too! Here's a few of the personalized stationery designs I've been making for teachers. The Apple Tree and Apple designs seem to be quite popular... I've had many order for it... but I've also had some orders for the other designs as well. I even had a request to make one into a plaque.

I made the designs non-personalized as well. Instead of the teacher's name, I used a quote. This could also be a great plaque if that teacher has a saying he or she uses all the time!

I had a teacher in 7th grade who had a plaque above the chalkboard, next to the clock. It said, "PMA will guide your way, every day." (PMA = Positive Mental Attitude) OK, so this teacher I must admit was somewhat strange... but here it is, a mere many, MANY years later, and I still remember that quote. It's a little cheesy, but some days, I really like it. :)