
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Party Game: Red Light, Green Light Version 2.0

It seems like all kids love a good game of Red Light, Green Light. Just over spring break, a range of kids 5-16 were playing it and having a ball. So, why a version 2.0? Well, there's nothing wrong with the original version, but sometimes the kids can get a little bored... So to add some twist and keep the game going a bit longer, here are my suggestions for Red Light, Green Light Version 2.0!

We all know the original version goes as simply as-- green light means go, and red light means stop. Usually it's running when the light is green.. and trying to stop when the light is red. For version 2.0 we're gonna add a few more options to add some spice...
  • Assign different colors to different players, so when purple light is called, just the purple player can go. Another similar option is to call out groups to go by age. So, "All 4 year olds go..." "All 2 year olds go..." (This helps younger players stay in the action.)
  • Instead of running when the light is green, how about different modes of transportation per game. For instance, have the kids skip, hop, hop on one foot, crawl, do jumping jacks, squats/lunges, tip toe, etc. Make the whole game, until one person tags the light, that mode of transportation.
  • Add "traffic" obstacles to get in the way of the light/person who's it. Depending on where you're playing, could be patio chairs, cones, even trees if you have them!
  • Add a "yellow light" option as something to call out. On "yellow light" the kids must go in sllllooooowww motion! The more exaggerated the slow motion, the better!
  • Add a "Police!" option to call out. When "Police!" is called, everyone must go backwards.
  • Act like an animal... instead of running, have the kids be an animal to get to the light... so, "Green light doggies..." and they have to run like a dog and bark! Could make a great video to show at the end of the party!
Now off to play, enjoy!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Here are a few pictures from our Spring Break... Hawaii, always paradise!

Always plenty of yummy fruit!

Until next time. Aloha!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Another Green Craft Project: A Lil'Beach Bag

Our Second Hand Finds

My niece and I went on a green crafting frenzy the other day. We headed to the thrift store with one project in mind, but of course I left with several other potential projects in hand, just in case we decided to get really crafty!

In the kids section, I just couldn't resist some of the fabrics in the second-hand clothes that were on sale. Little flower prints, all ready made patchwork dresses, polka dots and more... oooo, what could be made from these precious items? A little hand bag, of course -- great for the beach, the store for a few grocery items, or where ever you may roam!

We tromped over to the belts to find the perfect straps for our bags... 2 ribbon belts just happened to be there, how perfect!

Back home the project was simple as pie. I just cut off the bottom of the dress with the patchwork fabric, cut 2 pieces, and sewed the open edges to make a little bag. Then cut off the belt loops, and sewed the ends of the belt to the bag as a strap.

Voila! Our little bags... perfect for our upcoming trip to the beach!

What a great model my niece is! Now, off to make more little bags with the other goodies I found!