
Monday, January 30, 2012

Printable Valentine Food Pair Game

Valentine Game: Match the Food Pairs by B.Nute productions
Although Hollywood couples split up in record time, there are a few pairs that we know will always last! Here's a fun printable game just in time for Valentines-- Match the Food Pairs. Print out for a great kid activity-- perfect for a class Valentine Party, or print out, roll up and tie a bow on it for a quick Valentine for a friend. Here's to years and years of happy couples like Peanut Butter and Jelly!

Free Printable Valentine Game: Match the Food Pairs by B.Nute productions
Instructions for Printing Your Valentine Game
1. Select link above and print out from your browser.
2. Grab a pencil, and match the food pairs!

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Free Printable Valentine's Day Party Invitation

Free Printable Valentine's Day Party Invitation by B.Nute productions
Here's a Valentine's Day Party free printable invitation with a hint of woodland wonder-- perfect for your get together. Just follow the instructions below, send out to friends and family, and have yourself a sweet Valentine's Day.
Close up of B.Nute productions Free Printable Valentine Day Party Invitation
Also, be a "deer," and do leave a comment! I would love to hear from you.

Free Printable Valentine's Day Party Invitation by B.Nute productions

Instructions for Printing Your Valentine's Day Party Invitations

1. Select link above and print out from your browser. Use card stock to give the invitations some weight. (Print in landscape mode.)
2. Cut each invitation out.
3. Fill out with your party information, and send to friends and family!

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter Wonderland Party: Game Ideas

If you live in snowy place, then your outdoor Winter Wonderland Party game options are plentiful-- there is sledding, snowball fight, snow fort building and so much more... but undoubtedly the day of your party, there may not be any fresh new snow... or you may live somewhere where snow doesn't even fall. No worries, there are plenty of indoor game ideas to ensure a wintry good time! Here are some of them:

Freeze Dance
This is a classic game, and although it's great year round, it's name is very appropriate for a Winter Wonderland party. To make it more wintry, play "winter time" music. Here are some winter music ideas:

After you have your playlist ready... just turn on the music and let the crowd dance. Once the music stops, everyone must freeze. First to move is out... Keep going until one dancer is left.

Blizzard Relay (Indoor)
Divide the party into 2 teams. Have a "race course" route-- say, down the hall, into a bedroom and back. Give each team 20 cotton balls ("snowballs"). For each person's turn, he/she must place the cotton balls on a paper plate, and walk through the course, then pass the cotton/snow balls to the next team mate. First team to finish wins. This can also be done with 10-15 rolled up socks.... The more stuff to carry, the harder this becomes.

Cold Feet
Gather all those single socks, and add a few pairs in as well. This is a game to see how many socks one can put on in a minute. Make sure to take pictures when many socks are being worn!

Winter Suitcase Relay
Divide the party into 2 teams. Fill 2 bags or "suitcases" full of winter clothes, give a suitcase to each team.  Include items like snowpants, hat, goggles, ear muffs, mittens, winter socks, boots, jackets, long underwear and more. Create a course in your house, say, down a hall, into a room and back. For each person's turn, he/she must put on all the clothes and items in the suitcase, and walk through the course, then take them off. The next person does the same thing. This repeats until all team members have gone. First team to finish wins.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winter Wonderland Hot Cocoa Bar Plus Free Printable Cards

Free Printable Hot Cocoa Bar Menu Cards by B.Nute productions
A hot cocoa bar is the perfect addition to any party during the winter months! Whether you are having a Winter Wonderland Party, and Ice Skating Party, a Sledding Party, or even gathering to watch the Superbowl-- everyone loves a steamy cup of cocoa.

Free Printable Hot Cocoa Bar Menu Cards by B.Nute productions
To get you started on setting up your hot cocoa bar, here are some free printable winter themed Hot Cocoa Bar menu cards. There are a few standard toppings, but also a few blank so you can add your own. Here are just a few ideas for toppings to serve at your Hot Cocoa Bar:

  • Chocolate Chips
  • Marshmallows (mini, big or even shaped)
  • Toffee Bits (i.e., crushed up Heath Bar)
  • Peppermint (i.e., crushed peppermint candies or use peppermint sticks)
  • Cookie Dippers (any type of cookie is perfect to dip into hot cocoa)
  • Carmel Syrup
  • Other Flavored Syrups (i.e., Orange, French Vanilla, Hazelnut, Cinnamon, etc)
  • M & M's
  • White Chocolate Chips
  • Butterscotch Chips
  • Peanut Butter Chips or Chunks of Peanut Butter Cups
  • Fudge Topping
  • Whip Cream
  • Sprinkles

Free Printable Winter Wonderland Hot Cocoa Bar Menu Cards by B.Nute productions
Instructions to Make Your Hot Cocoa Bar Menu Cards
1. Select the above image and print out on card stock.
2. Cut out cards.
3. Arrange next to your favorite hot cocoa toppings. Use the blank cards to add more toppings!

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Winter Wonderland Party on Pinterest

Winter Wonderland Party Ideas on Pinterest
(Image from Pinterest: Winter Wonderland Party)
It's time to curl up by a toasty fire, and enjoy a cozy Winter Wonderland Party! Inspired by my Winter Wonderland Party Invitation on Etsy, I created an inspiration board on Pinterest filled with Winter Wonderland Party ideas-- from crafts, to food ideas, to just setting the mood. There's no reason to have the "blahs" this winter, with this festive party!

All image credits available at Pinterest: Winter Wonderland Party

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Chocolate Party Game: Chocolate Taste Test with Free Printable Taste Test Scorecard

Box of Chocolates
Life is like a box of chocolate-- you never know what you'll get... until you try it, right? Well here's the perfect game for your next Chocolate Party, Sweet Treats Party, or even Valentines Party, a Chocolate Taste Test Game. I've included free printable score cards perfect for getting guests ready to play.

Chocolate Taste Test Game
Here are 3 variations on the chocolate taste test game; one that is relatively simple (for those guests with possibly a little less discerning tastes, just love candy) to more sophisticated (for the real chocolate aficionado crowd.) Here are the details.

Guess Which Chocolate Candy Bar Taste Test
1. Print out the free Chocolate Taste test score cards below, and have one for each guest.
2. Buy 10 different types of chocolate candy bars. For instance, Hershey's milk chocolate, Twix Bar, Milky Way, Snickers, KitKat, Almond Joy, etc.) Break the candy bars into bite size pieces. Put pieces of one type of candy bar on a tray, then create a tray for all your samples.
3. At the party, have each guest take a score card and a pen, and sit down. Have them all close their eyes, and pass out a candy from one tray. After they've eaten it, have them open their eyes and write down which candy bar they think it is. (Note: make sure they close their eyes before eating the piece, since some candy bars can be recognized just by their shape.)
4. Repeat for each candy bar.
5. At the end of the game, have guests score their cards to find out which ones they got right and which ones were wrong.
6. Winner could receive all 10 different candy bars (uneaten, of course!)

Guess the Flavor in the Chocolate Box
We've all done it before, taken a big bite from a chocolate in a candy box, and then put it back... what was inside actually? Who knows! Well, this variation on the taste test can be a lot of fun, and have folks saying their "oohs and ahhs" or "eeeuuus" very loudly!
1. Print out the free Chocolate Taste test score cards below, and have one for each guest.
2. Buy several boxes of chocolates. For instance a box of See's Candy chocolates. Make sure the boxes are the same "style" in that they have all the same types of candies.
3. Put the same type of chocolate from each box on it's own tray. (You should end up with 10 trays, each with the same type of chocolate candy on it.)
4. Hand out the scorecards, and start passing the trays one at a time. Have folks write down what they think it is... cherry filling? peach filling? mocha? carmel? pure chocolate? etc. Have them rank the candy-- good or bad.
5. In the end, tally up all the best tasting candies.

Chocolate Aficionado Taste Test
This is a version for a slightly more sophisticated crowd. Instead of varying candy bars, only serve different chocolates-- from milk chocolate, to semi-sweet, to dark, to white. Here's more details...
1. Print out the free Chocolate Taste test score cards below, and have one for each guest.
2. Buy 10 different types of chocolate. For instance, different brands (Hersheys, Ghiradelli, etc.) and different flavors (dark, semi-sweet, milk chocolate, etc.)
3. Before the party, break chocolates and put each type on it's own tray.
4. At party, give guests a few hints on rating chocolate-- smooth/creaminess, bitter/sweet, texture, after taste, "bite" or crunch vs. waxiness, etc.
5. Hand out a score card for each guest, and start serving trays one at a time. Have guests right comments, and/or even rank (1-10, %, or A-F)
6. At the end, compare notes!

Chocolate Taste Test Printable Scorecard
Below is the perfect score card for your Chocolate Taste Test. Just select the link, print out, cut out and you're ready to play!
Free Printable Chocolate Taste Test Score Card by B.Nute productions
Instructions to Make Your Score Cards
1. Select the above image and print out on paper.
2. Cut out scorecards.
3. Hand out at party and eat chocolate!!

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Free Printable Vintage Style Confectionery Treat Tags

Free Printable Vintage Confectionery Treat Tags by B.Nute production
Valentine's is just around the corner. Here's the perfect free printable tags to wrap around the box of chocolates, or sweet treats you may give. Or, use these year round-- they are perfect any time you have a special treat for a friend or loved one!
Free Printable Vintage Confectionery Treat Tags by B.Nute productions
Instructions to Make Your Gift Tags
1. Select the above image and print out on card stock.
2. Cut out tags.
3. Punch a hole in top, and add ribbon.
4. Tie to chocolate box, or other treat for your friend!

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Inspired by Vintage Candy Boxes: A Chocolate Party

Confectionery Dream Pinterest Inspiration Board and Chocolate Party Invitation on Etsy by B.Nute productions
This chocolate inspiration goes will beyond just Valentines... how about a Chocolate Baby Shower, Bridal Shower or Birthday Party?! Inspired by beautiful vintage chocolate and candy boxes, check out my latest Chocolate Party Invitation in my shop. Yum, yum!

Image Credits: See Confectionery Dream Board on Pinterest.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 - A Year Full of Celebrations!

Twenty-twelve is Here!
What do the following things have in common?
A dragon.
The number 13.
5 rings.
A missing day.
An ancient calendar.
A new or renewed leader.

Any thoughts? Well, these are just a few of the things that will be happening in 2012:

  • Chinese New Year- the year of the dragon
  • Three, yes, 3 Friday the 13ths in 2012
  • Summer Olympics in London
  • Leap Year
  • Mayan Calendar predictions
  • Presidential election

Think of the parties and celebrations to be had-- How about a very lucky Friday the 13th party? A Dragon party? A Summer Olympics party? A Party for the End of the World? An Election Night Party? The list goes on and on.

Happy New Year to all! I can't wait to be a part of 2012 with you!