
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Brainstorm Session: Following My Artsy Passion

Diagram of an Artist's Brain - Illustration by B.Nute productions
My brain has been on artsy overdrive lately. This summer, when I took a little time off,  I rediscovered my artsy self. Ever since I've been full of ideas and can't stop drawing. I've been focusing mainly on my travel sketches, but every now and again add some other whimsical drawings in the mix. I've joined up with several different sketch-a-day (#sketchaday) efforts on Instagram, including a 30 day sketch challenge in September and an #inktober drawing challenge this October. I've even been taking a fabulous online storytelling sketch class from Sketchbook Skool.

I must say, I've definitely been feeling a little scattered, though. My desires to continue to produce art has left my blogging in the dust. I did a little brainstorming this week and came up with a plan to help this nagging problem. I've decided to follow my passions, and do what I'm enjoying at the moment-- illustrations and design.

What does this mean-- Well, you'll be seeing a lot more of my illustrations and drawings here on this blog. As with any thing, I'd love to hear your feedback. Leave a comment below, or send an email anytime!