
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Flower or Garden Party Arts and Crafts Activity: Posie Masks

Here's a fun art and craft activity for your garden or flower party - a pretty posies flower mask. This craft can be designed to be for very young ones or also can be great for older crafters too-- the masks make fun photo opportunities once made! (For younger crafters, many of these steps can be made before hand, and all little ones have to do is tape and glue!)

How to Make a Flower Mask

Supplies Needed:
Paper Plates
Scrapbook Paper
Wooden Dowel (found at craft stores)
Tape or glue
Exacto knife (handy for cutting out center hole in paper plate)

1. Pick out some pretty posies scrapbook papers.

2. Create a simple petal template, and then cut several petals from different paper designs.

3. Cut out a hole in a paper plate (for your face.)

4. Tape or glue (glue will hold better, but may take a while to dry) petals to the paper plate ring.

5. Extra Pizazz-- cut a donut shape from a scrapbook paper for trim inner edge of flower mask. You could also use other embellishments like glitter or gems.
6. Now it's picture time!!

Would love to see how your flower masks turn out!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last Day of School: Simple Ways to Celebrate

It's my kid's last day of school today... No more early wake ups,  no more making lunches, out with the routines (for the most part), and in with good ol'fashion summer fun! I love to try to do something fun on the last day of school to kick off vacation-- sometimes it's just something simple like heading to the ice cream shop, or it could be more elaborate, like heading to the beach (we fortunately live only 20 minutes away!) Here are a few more ideas to kick off summer time:
  • Play in the sand-- at the beach, or at the park, get some water, and a whole lot of sand and have fun!
  • Take a dip -- whether the pool is in your backyard, the community pool or even a babypool you've filled with hose water, today's the best day for a quick dip.
  • Take in a ballgame -- if you're close enough to a ball park, head to the bleacher seats, and have some fun.
  • A little sweets sometimes is just fine -- do you have a local candy store, or ice cream parlour? Pick 'em up from the last day of school, and head out for a sugary treat... just because.
  • Make some s'mores -- nothing says summer to me than a tasty, gooey s'more! If you have a fire pit, then roast and toast those marshmallows to perfection. If not, then it's just as easy to heat them up over the stove top too, with mom's help, of course.
  • Lastly, you must crank up Alice Cooper's "School's Out for Summer." It's a tradition in our family... the kids just love it!
What's your favorite last day of school tradition? I would love to hear!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Gift Tag Press: Lady and the Blog

I was so excited yesterday to get some press about my personalized gift tags and invitations over at Lady and the Blog... Vera Sweeney, author of this blog loves to write about pretty much anything, from beauty items, fashion, a little Hollywood, Etsy products, parties and more! Check it out when you get a chance!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Circus Photo Booth: Party Game

My Friend Mindy and I in the Circus Time Photo Booth
I'm sure by now you've seen the many creative "photo booth" ideas that folks have set up for parties... I just love it! A couple months ago, I had a party to host at my kids' school. It was a circus theme to thank all the hard working volunteers. I thought a photo booth was definitely in order for some fun and amusement! Although my pictures are of adults, the kids that attended, loved the booth as well!

Here's what I did to create it...
A Vase filled with Circus Photo Booth Props: Mustaches, Nose, and Smiles
Prop Materials:
Black Foam Core Board
White Foam Core Board
Dowel Sticks

Photo Booth Materials:
Plastic Table Cloth with polka dots (this of course, can be fabric)
Circus Flags
"Photos" banner made of card stock and strung with ribbon

I did not use any templates for the props, just drew freehand some mustache shapes in pencil on the black foam core, and some clown smiles (and frowns) on the white foam core. After I colored the smiles/frowns, I cut out all the shapes with a straight edge razor. I could have glued the dowel to the shape, but since I was pinched for time, I simply taped the shape to the dowel... and voila, my props were made!

Friends at the Photo Booth

For the photo booth, I hung a festive polka dot table cloth against a wall, and hung some pendants and banners. I also added the clown hat and bow tie to the mix for props.

Hamming it up!
As you can tell, the booth was a hit!

This is such a great way for kids to have fun at a party, and they'll love the picture afterward. Perhaps near your photo booth, add a mirror or two for the kids to see themselves... they'll get such a kick out of it!

I'd love to hear about your photo booth ideas. Please share your links!