
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Old Fashioned Halloween Party - Printable Halloween Mask Art Activity

Printable Halloween Masks by B.Nute productions
Remember the craft activities you did at your school Halloween party in elementary school? You may still even have some of them tucked away in an old memory box. Below is an art activity suggestion that may be reminiscent of those projects, perfect for your Old Fashioned Halloween Party.

Decorate a Mask
Set up a table with crayons, markers and glitter glue; print out the free printable mask templates below; and have kids decorate away. Once finished punch a hole on either end, tie a string to the hole, and put the mask on the kids! Now they are ready for some costume party fun. Be sure to include some blank paper for kids who may want to make their own masks.

Printable Pumpkin Mask from B.Nute productions

Printable Cat Mask from B.Nute productions

Printable Owl Mask from B.Nute productions

Printable Ghost Mask from B.Nute productions

Have fun, and be sure to email me with pictures of your decorated mask!


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