There we were at my daughter’s first soccer team get together... I was chatting happily with one of her friends. I asked her, “Did you have a good summer?” She said curtly, “Yes.” Trying to get some more excitement, I asked, “What was your favorite part of your summer?” She looked at me, and said, “I had a playdate.”
So, there it is moms. All that running around in the summer keeping the kiddies engaged in camp, swim team, family vacations, etc., maybe isn’t needed... it looks like just one playdate can suffice for a great summer! (Note, the sarcasm.)
OK., I’m not an ogre, really! I won’t deprive my kids of summertime fun. I love it too much myself! I love eating outdoors, late nights, late mornings, and lots and lots of swimming. Not swimming laps, the kind of swimming where you just bob up and down... floating, with no where to go.
With the comment that my daughter’s friend made, though, it just makes me realize that sometimes just a playdate is all we need to have a really good day/week/month/season!
Enjoy those last summer days before school starts up!