Attention all Indiana Jones fans... Attention travelers of the world... here's a party kit for you!
This past weekend, I helped throw a World Explorer party for my 12 year old nephew. It was a blast. He is a HUGE Indiana Jones fan. He can practically recite the movies, so of course I jumped at the chance to make a party kit in the Indy theme.

Part of the fun of making a party kit is the research... and to be honest, I'm sure I don't need to do nearly as much research as I do, but it's so fun. I found some great books on Adventurers thoughout history.... One book was awesome! It was full of short chapters about treasures of the world, including all of the treasures in the Indiana Jones movie series (the arc, the crystal skull, etc.) As part of the party, I came up with an (what seemed) like an elaborate Indiana Jones type treasure hunt. I have to admit, coming up with a treasure hunt for kids from 4 to 16 was not easy... but it turned out great, especially since many of the adults agreed to dress up and lead the kids through the clues. Below are some shots from the adventure...

Indy necessities, snakes, a whip and a hat!

Come sit in the garden of eden to hear a clue...

Another clue in market of Morocco (the tree house...)