Summertime means berries! |
Berries are abundant in the summer... and they are the best! I always get sad when I start to see them leave the stores in the fall... although you may see them occasionally in the off season, they are not nearly as sweet as in the height of summer. Here are some ways to celebrate berries this summer:
Go Berry Picking- Head off on a berry picking adventure with your kids. There are many berry patches throughout the US, so just look on the web and find your local spot.
Pick Your Own is a great site that lists farms. If you happen to be too late in the season, then venture to a farmers market and pick out a berry sampling.
Make Jam - I remember making jam with my mom when I was younger. It was an all day process, and the results were delicious! Just doing a
quick search on the web for jam making with kids, there are plenty of sites with ideas. From 30 minutes jams to more intense recipes, the outcome is well worth the effort!
Berries and Cream - There is nothing like fresh berries in a bowl with a little cream. Mmmm.
Berry Pie - Making a fresh berry pie is quite a treat... if you don't have much time, but would love to make a pie with your fresh berries, just click for some
easy berry pie ideas.
Try Some Different Berries - Olallieberries, logan berries, gooseberries, lingonberries, and more... why not introduce some other berries to your family besides the tried and true. Do a taste test and see which one is the family winner.
Make Fruit Roll Ups - I remember making fruit roll ups with my mom one summer. I couldn't believe that it was so easy to make! Here's a recipe from Family Fun to make your own:
Homemade Fruit Rolls