I've been aching to make some paper flowers... I purchased
Klutz's Tissue Paper Flower book sometime ago, thinking some cold winter day, my daughter and I could make some flowers and brighten up our space... Well, lo and behold, spring has sprung, the real flowers are out and I have still not made my paper flowers...

So, when I signed up to chair an event at my daughters school, which of course entailed throwing a party, I knew paper flowers would have to be in the mix! The event was our annual Founder's Day celebration-- I decided to go with a mixed up
Mad Hatter theme... what a better way to honor all our mixed up, crazy volunteers than a fun, crazy Mad Hatter tea party.

I definitely knew I needed tea pots... and lots of them. And I wanted bright, festive colors. Paper flowers were perfect for that, and a lot less expensive than filling all the pots with real flowers, especially on a PTA budget!!

So, the morning of the party, I sat in my dining room, tissue paper everywhere, and made loads of flowers. I was pretty "stressed" about getting them done, but actually during the process, I relaxed (!) and had a great time! Also, I LOVED how they turned out!

I received many compliments at the party on the flowers... and am now enjoying them in their tea pots on my dining room table. The best part, is I know they will last a long time! :)