Box of Chocolates |
Life is like a box of chocolate-- you never know what you'll get... until you try it, right? Well here's the perfect game for your next Chocolate Party, Sweet Treats Party, or even Valentines Party, a Chocolate Taste Test Game. I've included free printable score cards perfect for getting guests ready to play.
Chocolate Taste Test Game
Here are 3 variations on the chocolate taste test game; one that is relatively simple (for those guests with possibly a little less discerning tastes, just love candy) to more sophisticated (for the real chocolate aficionado crowd.) Here are the details.
Guess Which Chocolate Candy Bar Taste Test
1. Print out the free Chocolate Taste test score cards below, and have one for each guest.
2. Buy 10 different types of chocolate candy bars. For instance, Hershey's milk chocolate, Twix Bar, Milky Way, Snickers, KitKat, Almond Joy, etc.) Break the candy bars into bite size pieces. Put pieces of one type of candy bar on a tray, then create a tray for all your samples.
3. At the party, have each guest take a score card and a pen, and sit down. Have them all close their eyes, and pass out a candy from one tray. After they've eaten it, have them open their eyes and write down which candy bar they think it is. (Note: make sure they close their eyes before eating the piece, since some candy bars can be recognized just by their shape.)
4. Repeat for each candy bar.
5. At the end of the game, have guests score their cards to find out which ones they got right and which ones were wrong.
6. Winner could receive all 10 different candy bars (uneaten, of course!)
Guess the Flavor in the Chocolate Box
We've all done it before, taken a big bite from a chocolate in a candy box, and then put it back... what was inside actually? Who knows! Well, this variation on the taste test can be a lot of fun, and have folks saying their "oohs and ahhs" or "eeeuuus" very loudly!
1. Print out the free Chocolate Taste test score cards below, and have one for each guest.
2. Buy several boxes of chocolates. For instance a box of See's Candy chocolates. Make sure the boxes are the same "style" in that they have all the same types of candies.
3. Put the same type of chocolate from each box on it's own tray. (You should end up with 10 trays, each with the same type of chocolate candy on it.)
4. Hand out the scorecards, and start passing the trays one at a time. Have folks write down what they think it is... cherry filling? peach filling? mocha? carmel? pure chocolate? etc. Have them rank the candy-- good or bad.
5. In the end, tally up all the best tasting candies.
Chocolate Aficionado Taste Test
This is a version for a slightly more sophisticated crowd. Instead of varying candy bars, only serve different chocolates-- from milk chocolate, to semi-sweet, to dark, to white. Here's more details...
1. Print out the free Chocolate Taste test score cards below, and have one for each guest.
2. Buy 10 different types of chocolate. For instance, different brands (Hersheys, Ghiradelli, etc.) and different flavors (dark, semi-sweet, milk chocolate, etc.)
3. Before the party, break chocolates and put each type on it's own tray.
4. At party, give guests a few hints on rating chocolate-- smooth/creaminess, bitter/sweet, texture, after taste, "bite" or crunch vs. waxiness, etc.
5. Hand out a score card for each guest, and start serving trays one at a time. Have guests right comments, and/or even rank (1-10, %, or A-F)
6. At the end, compare notes!
Chocolate Taste Test Printable Scorecard
Below is the perfect score card for your Chocolate Taste Test. Just select the link, print out, cut out and you're ready to play!
Instructions to Make Your Score Cards
1. Select the above image and print out on paper.
2. Cut out scorecards.
3. Hand out at party and eat chocolate!!
Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.