Friday, June 5, 2009

Big Day for our Little Grad!

Well, it's official, we are no longer a family with a preschooler!
Our youngest has graduated to the big, academic world of Elementary School! :)

Look at his smile... doesn't it just say, "Yeah! I'm outta here!!"
Little does he realize, he has a mere 17 or so years to go!! :)

It was a great day, though. Just what he ordered...
his graduation ceremony in the morning,
out to lunch for curly mac and cheese with his sister,
a small jaunt to the toy store for some summer time sidewalk chalk,
his kung-fu class,
and raviolis for dinner!
Doesn't that sound like a good way to celebrate?

Well, it's so long to another chapter in our life...
and hello to many many more chapters!
I can't wait!

Congrats to the Class of 2009!