Friday, November 6, 2009

... and let the shopping frenzy begin

It's time... Halloween is over and the holiday season is in full swing (eeeghads, how early it begins!) So, to help you out in the shopping madness, I'm going to highlight over the next couple weeks some GREAT finds... at least I think they're pretty neat!

First off is Rosie Flo. I just stumbled upon this colouring (yes, it's British) book at a local book store (in California) and couldn't put it down! Should I let me daughter have this, or should I keep it for myself??!! :)

Such incredibly creative drawings that you color in. You also have the task of adding a head, legs and arms... anything goes. The book themes are great-- the image above is from the animal coloring book. All the fancy dresses are some type of animal, or animal theme (see above, the bee hive, and the bug wings...)

So, check out the Rosie Flo website, and make sure to get one of these books for that artist in your life... young or old!!

P.S., I found my copy at a local bookstore, but I also found it on Amazon as well.