Friday, December 14, 2012

Free Printable Holiday Tags: Peace, Love, & Joy Hand Letterered

Free Printable Hand Lettered Peace, Love & Joy Holiday Tags from B.Nute productions
'Tis the season... that is for sure!! I've been buzzing around the internet the last couple of days-- Facebook, Pinterest, Blogs and more, and absolutely stunned, overwhelmed and amazed at the most wonderful assortment of free printable holiday goodies available! Tags, gift boxes, invites, wrapping paper, and more. Who needs to go to the store when there's a wealth of goodness just at our fingertips!
Hand Lettered Joy Free Printable Tag from B.Nute productions
Hand Lettered Love Free Printable Tag from B.Nute productions
Hand Lettered Peace Free Printable Tag from B.Nute productions
Well, along with the many free holiday printables I've created in the past, I've decided to add more to the mix! I have a fun time drawing these letters by hand, based on some vintage type inspiration. I hope you enjoy them as well.

Peace, Love & Joy Free Printable Holiday Tags
Free Printable Holiday Tags: Peace, Love & Joy from B.Nute productions
Instructions for Making Holiday Tags
1. Select link above, and print out the tags on 8.5" x 11" card stock from your browser. I suggest using a heavier card stock to give the tags some weight. 
2. Cut out each tag and punch a hole in the side.
3. String with festive ribbon and put on candy bags, gifts, or use as an ornament on the tree!

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lodge Style Personalized Notecards

Lodge Style Personalized Notecards by B.Nute productions on Zazzle
Lake Tahoe? Yellowstone? Yosemite? Rocky Mountain National Park? The Adirondacks? If you are a fan of the Lodge Style look like I am, you'll love my new set of personalized notecards!

I can't get enough of this look. Perhaps it's because I've spent my whole life going to Lake Tahoe (including living there for 2 years, and getting married there.) Or maybe it's because I'm in awe of the "Great Lodge" style buildings, artwork and handicrafts from the early 1900's (i.e.,  The Ahwahnee or Old Faithful Inn). Either way, the textures, patterns, colors, and motifs are all so outdoorsy and grand.

So, head over to my shop and pick up some Lodge Style notecards-- perfect for a quick note in the summer time after a few days in the great outdoors, or great for writing a thank you card by a warm fire on a winter's day!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Free Printable Ice Skating Party Invitation

Free Printable Ice Skating Party Invitation from B.Nute productions
Remember that nifty printable Ice Skate coloring page post from a couple days back... well, voilà, it is now the perfect Free Printable Ice Skating Party invitation! Just fill in the party girl or boy's name, and the party details and your set!

You can choose to cut the skate out (like the picture above) and string with a fun ribbon, or if you're running out of time, no worries-- just fill out, cut off the top and bottom (title of printable and copyright info) and hand out to friends and family!

Have a great skating party!

Free Printable Ice Skating Party Invitation
Free Printable Ice Skating Party Invitation from B.Nute productions

Instructions for Making Your Ice Skating Party Invitation
1. Select each link above, and print out the page on an 8.5" x 11" piece of white card stock.
2. Cut out skate, fill out your party details and send off to friends and family!
Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Free Printable Coloring Page: Design Your Own Ice Skate

Free Printable Coloring Page: Design Your Own Ice Skate from B.Nute productions
Here's the perfect free printable coloring page for your Ice Skating Party. Print these out and put them in your goodie bags, or set up a little table at the rink for those who need a break from skating. Get out crayons, pens and more and let the aspiring figure skaters come up with their own ice skate design! Swirls, polka dots, stripes, and more... anything goes!

Free Printable Design Your Own Ice Skate Coloring Page from B.Nute productions
Instructions for Making Your Ice Skate Coloring Page
1. Select each link above, and print out the coloring page on an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper.
2. Start designing!
Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ice Skating Party Invitations and More

Ice Skating Party Invitation, Envelope, Thank You Postcard and Stickers by B.Nute productions on Zazzle
An Ice Skating party is the perfect theme for a winter party! The thought of being stuck indoors with excited kids and not much to do can be daunting, so why not head to the local ice rink, for loads of fun. Or, if you are lucky to live in a place where there is a frozen pond outdoors, even better!

My birthday is in the summer, so I never had an ice skating party, but I sure loved to go to them. As an adult, I've even enjoyed taking my daughter to a few. Many ice rinks offer "free skate" time for parties, but you can also hire an instructor to help out newbies or little ones. The rink my nephew had his party at even allowed a rowdy game of broom ball. The boys loved it.

To make your Ice Skating party complete, here are my vintage-style Ice Skating Party invites, envelopes, stickers and thank you postcards perfect for your aspiring figure skater. Soft snowflakes in pink, swirling type and a graceful vintage couple skaters are the perfect look for your party.

Now lace up those skates, and practice a figure 8... it's time for fun!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Free Printable Soccer Coach Thank You Card

Free printable Soccer Coach Thank You Card from B.Nute productions
Soccer season is starting to wind down, and it's time to give a huge thank you to the awesome coaches! This year my kids have had some wonderful coaches... always at practice, always positive and always encouraging fun! Here are some free printable Soccer Coach Thank You cards, the perfect way to let your coach know how much you appreciated his or her help. Slip in a gift card to his/her favorite coffee shop, store, restaurant or movie pass for that little extra thank you.

Free Printable Soccer Coach Thank You Card
Free Printable Soccer Coach Thank You Card from B.Nute productions

Instructions for Thank You Cards
1. Select link above, and print out the card on 8.5" x 11" card stock from your browser. I suggest using a heavier card stock to give the card some weight. Print in landscape mode.
2. Cut out card.
3. Fold in half, and write your greeting.
4. This card fits an A2 sized (4 3/8"x5 3/4") envelopes. 

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Soccer Party Game Ideas

Soccer Party Game Ideas from B.Nute productions
Your soccer enthusiast insists on a Soccer Party. Now what will you do to entertain the players? Here are loads of game ideas for your Soccer Party. Some ideas are straight out of a soccer practice, some are variants... either way, these game ideas should be loads of fun for the soccer star or the possible more shy ones who may be new to the game.

(Note: Many of these games are ideas for a large field/area. If your party is being held at your home, perhaps walk the gang to the local school yard or playground for the extra space. If not, a driveway or your yard will still do! For smaller spaces, use a smaller ball and/or a nerf/softer ball. For indoor spaces, consider using a plush ball.)

Warm Up Fun
Everyone needs to warm up their muscles, even little ones. Before you start the games, line the kids up and do some fun stretches, jumping jacks, high steps, and more to get their bodies moving!

How Far Can You...
Boot the Ball - Line the kids up at one end of the field. Let each kid "boot the ball" as far as he/she can. Farthest ball wins a small prize.
Throw In Challenge - Teach the kids about soccer throw ins. Once they understand how to do it (make sure both feet stay on the ground), give them a throw in challenge, like, farthest throw in or most accurate throw in (throw in that lands closest to target players feet), etc.

Juggling Tricks
You've seen those amazing players-- juggling the soccer ball every which way for hours! Have your gang practice some cool juggling tricks to impress their friends. Review some basics about juggling a soccer ball online before the party. At the party, start out with jugging with the knees (marching steps). Add in some light foot kicks (must keep in control) and possibly a chest move. See how many times they can juggle the ball/keep it in "play."

Headers: for Those Who Are Brave
Some kids just have a natural knack for knowing how to head a soccer ball. Some want NOTHING to do with it! I'm sure at your party, you may have all types. For those who'd like to try it, teach them some basics about heading a soccer ball, and then let them practice on your own. Some kids may just surprise you on how much they like it!

Relay Races
Dribbling Obstacle Course - Set up cones in a line down a field. Separate the kids into 2 teams. Have each child weave in and out of the cones dribbling the ball, then pass to the next player when done. First team that finishes wins.
The Pass It Relay (Hot Potato) - Split the kids into 2 teams. Have the kids in each team spread out in a line down the field about 10-15 feet apart (more or less depending on the age.) Start by having the first person in line pass to the next person, and so on, until the ball is passed to the last person in line. Tell the kids the ball is a hot potato and they must pass quickly, but obviously, accuracy in passing is key to as well. Once the ball is at the last person, he/she must pass it back down the line. First team to complete all the passes wins the relay.
Anything Goes Relay - This is one of those fun relays, where anything goes. Set up obstacles down a large field. From objects the kids need to dribble around, or kick the ball through a tube, or jump over or spin around-- mix it up and make it fun. The kids will love running (or dribbling the ball) through the obstacle course and finishing quickly!

Penalty Kicks on the Parents
What kid wouldn't want to shoot a penalty kick against a parent? Line the kids up for penalty shots, and have the shoot one at a time. Keep tally, Kids vs. Parents... and see how each fare!

Mixing it Up
Golf Soccer - Set up a "hole" or spot very far down the field where the kids much kick the ball to. You could put out a hula hoop as a marker, or just a string in a circle to mark the hole. Have the kids each stand at the "tee" or spot to start the kick off. Try to kick the ball into the hole with the fewest kicks.
Baseball Soccer - Have the party play a fun game of baseball, but instead of a bat and ball, use a soccer ball.

A good old fashioned scrimmage may be a great way for kids to burn off energy and have fun. Try to keep the scrimmage not too competitive so kids who may be new to the game don't feel intimidated by the soccer stars. Possible a scrimmage where passing is required, or no goalies for very little ones. Or make it a fast moving game where kids have to change positions every 5 minutes!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Soccer Party Invitations and More

Soccer Party Invitations, Thank You Postcards and Stickers from B.Nute productions on Zazzle
Our town is a huge soccer town! Ask pretty much any kid and they will let you know they play soccer. Both my kids have been playing since the ripe old age of 5. Granted, many of those early years, I don't think you could have called it "soccer" they were playing, but they were having fun.

Now that our season is in full swing, I've created Soccer Party invitation, thank you postcards and stickers perfect for your soccer player! They come in a couple bright color options and you can choose from either a boy or girl soccer player image as well.

So, time to head out to the field, dribble, shoot and score some points with your soccer enthusiast and get their party started!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Free Printable Day of the Dead Skull Coloring Page

Day of the Dead Skulls
At first glance, it may be a bit scary... but once you see more Day of the Dead skull designs, you really see how beautiful they are! Brightly colored flowers, swirls, hearts, crosses, nature, and more... I just love the look of this type of artwork.

In the spirit of the celebration, I've created a Day of the Dead Skull Coloring Page just for you. Get out your bright colored pens, and get coloring. Embellish with glitter, paint, jewels, feathers and more! I look forward to seeing your designs.

Free Printable Day of the Dead Skull Coloring Page
Free Printable Day of the Dead Skull Coloring Page from B.Nute productions
Instructions for Making your Day of the Dead Coloring Pages
1. Select each link above, and print out the coloring page on an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper (in landscape mode). 
2. Place on a table with crayons, pens and other art supplies.
3. Get coloring!

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from B.Nute productions!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day of the Dead Invitations and More

Day of the Dead Invitations, Advice CardsShower Invitation  and More by B.Nute productions on Zazzle
The Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos holiday is coming up soon! I've noticed lately this is a very popular theme in America. Sugar skull cookie designs are everywhere, and many are heading out on Halloween with fabulous skull face painting designs!

As a request of a customer a year ago, I created some Day of the Dead invitations. Since that time, the invitation has been very popular as a Day of the Dead wedding shower or bridal shower Fiesta celebration (celebrated any time of the year). To go along with the shower theme, I created advice cards and stickers, perfect to share your marriage advice for a long and happy life together!

Someday, I woud love to travel to Mexico and experience their wonderful celebration. When I first learned about the Day of the Dead celebration many, many years ago, I did think it was rather creepy... but as I've gotten older, I think it is quite a wonderful celebration. What a colorful and honorable way to remember loved ones who have passed on.!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Construction Party Game and Craft Ideas

Construction Party Game and Craft Ideas from B.Nute productions
Your Construction Party is in full swing-- now what can you do to keep a group of eager builders occupied? Look no further-- here is a blueprint plan of games and craft activities perfect for your Construction Party!

Building Blocks - from Big to Small
Building blocks come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on the age of your party, here are a variety of ideas to keep your little builders busy!
Empty Cardboard Boxes - Head to the local home warehouse and pick up a bunch of cardboard moving boxes (various sizes.) Put boxes together with tape but keep empty. On a large lawn area or open space, let the builders stack, build and create with the large boxes.
Shoe Boxes - Similar to empty cardboard boxes, but a little easier to manage for younger kids, tape up a bunch of empty shoe boxes and let the kids build!
Large Building Blocks for Little Hands - "Lego" like blocks come in a variety of sizes for varying aged children. Larger blocks are perfect for little hands and can be hours of fun for building.
Little Building Blocks - Small building blocks are great for older kids. Create buildings, space ships and more.
Wood Blocks - Traditional wood blocks can provide hours of fun for builders.

Painter's Workshop - Painting with Water
There's nothing like using the "real" tool to have some fun. Get out loads of large paint brushes and roll on brushes. Set out water buckets and painter bins, and let the kids "paint" a wall or driveway. It's fun to see the "paint"/water on the ground, and watch it disappear as it dries. This activity will provide hours of fun and can also be great on a warm day!

Plumbers Workshop
Head to the home warehouse store and pick up large plastic piping. Straight pipes, curved pipes, and various sizes. Let your crew put the pipes together and take apart. You can also provide marbles or water to let them pour through the pipe when they've combined a bunch together.

Sandbox of Trucks
Little ones will love a sandbox filled with construction trucks to play in. This activity is guaranteed to be a hit.

Build a City - Butcher Paper Town
Head out and purchase a large roll of white butcher paper (can be white wrapping paper). Roll out on the ground and tape together to make a very large "playmat." You can start the drawing by creating roads in the town, but then layout large crayons and let the kids add to their hearts content... houses, buildings, skyscrapers, gas stations, stop signs, etc. After the town has been created, get out some play cars and trucks and let the kids drive around their town.

Relay Races
Relay races are great for getting kids running and using up energy! Here are a few construction themed relay races to try. Be creative and add your own ideas too.
Toolbox Relay - Divide the party into 2 teams. Place a pile of pretend tools on one end of the course (2 piles, one for each team). Provide each team with an empty tool box. Now, one at a time, each person runs with the toolbox to the other end, picks up one tool and puts it in the box... then runs back and hand the toolbox to the next person. This continues until everyone has grabbed a tool. First team to fill their toolbox wins.
Toolbelt Relay - This is an individual race. Spread tools around an obstacle course. Have a toolbelt for the racer. Send the racer off to collect all the tools in the course. You can have kids climb over things or go under things as they get to each tool. You can put 2 kids on the race course, or you can time each child and see who has the best time in the end.

Build a Birdhouse
There are many simple "build your own" kits available for all ages. For an older crowd (with adult help as well) consider building a birdhouse together. For younger kids, find a "build your own" kit that is appropriate for their age.

Build a Collage
Have several flat pieces of lumber cut, one for each child. Provide buckets of washers, screws, bolts, wood pegs, and other elements, and loads of glue. Have each child create their own creative collage by gluing pieces together.

Is your party filled with little ones who still love to hammer. No problem. Find large pieces of styrofoam. Get a bucket of golf tees, and plenty of children's play hammers. Let the kids hammer away putting the tees into the styrofoam.

Draw a Blueprint
Pick up some blank blue print paper, and set out sheets on a large table. Provide crayons and pens and let kids design their own buildings or homes! Perhaps it will inspire you for your next remodel.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Free Printable Construction Party Menu Cards

Free Printable Construction Party Menu Cards from B.Nute productions
Your Construction Party is about to break ground-- now you need a plan to what food and drinks to serve. How about a "Build Your Own" buffet, perfect for all your construction workers at the party!

There are many different types of "Build Your Own" food items. Here are just a few along with some example items for each to help you get constructing that perfect menu!

Main Course "Build Your Own" Menu Ideas
  • Build Your Own Sandwich - bread, lunch meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, mustard, mayo, etc.
  • Build Your Own Taco/Burrito - tortilla or taco shell, taco meat or chicken, bell peppers, tomatoes, salsa, cheese, beans
  • Build Your Own Pita - pita bread, hummus, falafel, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, onions
  • Build Your Own Salad - lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, celery, carrots, croutons, salad dressing
  • Build Your Own Nachos - chips, salsa, hot peppers, ground beef, tomatoes, avocados, black olives, cheese sauce
  • Build Your Own Snack Mix - pretzels, cereals, peanuts, M&M's, corn chips, cheese puffs, etc.

Dessert "Build Your Own" Menu Ideas

  • Build Your Own Sundae - ice cream, chocolate sauce, carmel sauce, chocolate chips, sprinkles, nuts, cherries, whip cream, etc.
  • Build Your Own Cookie - large cookie, frosting, sprinkles, small candies, chocolate chips, ice cream, whip cream, etc.
  • Build Your Own Brownie - large cookie, chocolate sauce, carmel sauce, sprinkles, small candies, chocolate chips, ice cream, whip cream, etc.
  • Build Your Own Pudding - chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, white chocolate chips, sprinkles, crushed Oreos, crushed graham crackers, mini marshmallows, etc.
  • Build Your Own Float - vanilla ice cream, root beer, cola, cherry soda, orange soda, grape soda
  • Build Your Own Snowcone - shaved ice, various syrup flavors

Beverage "Build Your Own" Menu Ideas

  • Build Your Own Italian Soda - plain Italian soda, various flavors
  • Build Your Own Hot Chocolate - hot chocolate, marshmallows, chocolate chips, whip cream, etc.
  • Build Your Own Juice Blend - orange juice, pineapple juice, cranberry juice, apple juice, grenadine, etc.
  • Build Your Own Lemonade - lemonade, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, etc.
  • Build Your Own Coffee - coffee, sugar, various creme flavors, milk, shaved chocolate, cinnamon, carmel sauce, etc.

Free Printable Construction Party Menu Card and Item Cards
Free Printable Construction Party Menu Card and Item Cards from B.Nute productions
Tips for Creating and Printing Your Menu Cards
If you'd like to have your menu typed on to the menu card, just follow these few steps:
1. Select link above. Go to your browsers File Menu and select "Save As". Save image to your local computer.
2. Open an image editing program, and use the type tool to add your menu items. Now print out file, and cut cards.
3. Or, if you prefer, open a desktop publishing program, import the saved jpg, and add type on top of the menu card. Now print out file, and cut cards.
4. Another option is to first print out the menu card (blank) and cut out each card (the menu card is 3.5x7 in size, the item cards are 3.5"x2.25".) In MS Word, create a narrow 3.5"x7" document. Leave a large margin at the top and on left and right to accommodate for graphic "tape". Type menu. Feed printed menu card through your printer and print out the MS Word document on top. Repeat the same but with a 3.5"x2.25" document for each menu card.
5. Lastly, a hand written menu is an easy option as well! Just select link above, print out on card stock and hand write menu and items!

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Construction Party Invitations and Decoration Ideas

Construction Party Invitation, Envelopes and Stickers by BNute productions on Zazzle
Calling all construction guys, Mr. Fixits and Bob the Builder fans... here's the perfect Construction Party invitation and matching goods for you. Distressed background, hand drawn tools and your little builder front and center are the perfect look for his party! Head over to B.Nute productions Zazzle shop to print up your goods for the party.

Decoration Ideas
Now that your invitations are set, it's time to "build" your party and get some great decorations to set the mood! Here are a few ideas:

Blueprints: Blue prints can make a great table covering or buffet covering, or could be perfect to hang on the wall behind your serving table! Search your garage for your house blue prints, or ask around to neighbors who maybe just did a remodel... and get those blue prints out for that "on site" look.

Play Tools (or real ones if you dare!): Set play tools down the center of a table for a great center piece.

Hard Hats: All the kids need a hard hat to enter into your party Construction Zone. Hard hats can be found online and make great "goodie bag" gifts for kids to take home.

Construction Site Workers Badge: All crew need to have a badge to enter the construction zone! Create a simple "badge," and hand out to each guest when they get to the party.

Caution Tape: Nothing like caution tape to announce a construction party zone. Pick up some of this and line the path to your front door, or decorate like crepe paper in your party space.

Jars of Nuts, Bolts, Screws, Washers, etc.: Fill up Ball or jelly jars with nuts, bolts, screws and washers and place on your serving table or as a center piece on the table.

Lumber or Balsa Wood: Another great buffet table decoration is some good old fashion lumber! Use to prop serving dishes on, or down the center of the table to indicate this party is ready to be built! (Balsa wood can be a great alternative to lumber, since it has the wood look, but is much lighter.

Now get building your party! It will be great.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Print on Demand for B.Nute productions!

B.Nute productions is on Zazzle!
I'm excited to announce that B.Nute productions is on Zazzle offering print on demand invitations, stationery, party goods and more! What's this mean for you? Well many things, here's just a few:
  • Same great B.Nute production invitation designs with added bonus design on the back
  • Matching envelopes available to order
  • More matching party goods
  • FASTER turn around time with no proofing necessary-- you enter your party details, approve, order and it's done!
  • New designs all the time!
Bug Hunt Party Invitation and Envelope by B.Nute productions on Zazzle
I'm so grateful for my wonderful customers who have made my business so successful this past 5 years! Business has boomed so much, though, it has left me little time to create more designs. In the past year, I've spent much of my time fielding emails and creating proofs, and very little time creating new designs. I've also noticed while I do sell "printable/digital" goods, I also have a very large customer base that wants my items to be printed. I've been searching for a great business solutions to allow me to continue to grow as well as create new designs (and more blog posts with free printables!) Going to a print on demand solution like Zazzle is my answer!
Woodland Animal Party Invitation and Matching Envelope by B.Nute productions on Zazzle
The biggest benefit by far is the allowing my customers to enter their own party details, and remove the whole proofing process. This will speed up delivery of my products greatly, and also free up some of my time! Yay. I've included pictures in this post with some of my latest additions to the shop (ooo, I just love the squirrel on the back of my Woodland Animal Party invitation!)

Princess/Snow White Style Party Invitation and Matching Envelope by B.Nute productions on Zazzle
So, over the next couple months, I'll be moving my items over and adding more! Be sure to continue to check back in my shop for updates. If you know a theme you'd like to see, and don't see it yet, just give a holler!

Little Red Riding Hood Party Invitation and Matching Envelope by B.Nute productions on Zazzle.
Above is my Little Red Riding Hood Party invitation-- I just love Grandma's house on the back!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Princess and Knight Party Ideas from a Renaissance Faire

Princess & Knight Party Ideas from a Renn Faire
This weekend we headed to the local Renaissance Faire for some jolly ol'England fun! I just love the theme-- so many costumes, decorations and thespians having a good time. The faire is also great fodder for ideas for a Princess and Knight Party. I couldn't resist snapping a few shots and sharing some ideas.

Dried Flower Decorations
Dried flowers were everywhere. They make beautiful wreaths, and garlands to hang on the door or as a centerpiece on a table. Also, very popular are dried flower headdresses, with long flowing ribbons. You could hot glue gun dried flowers to a headband, or create a circle from wire, and wrap tightly with floral tape (so no wire is showing or poking through). Now, hot glue dried flowers to the circle, and tie ribbon on it! The girls will love these crowns.

Medieval/Renaissance Signage
The Renaissance Faire is full of signs reminiscent of what may have been seen in England back in those days. Hanging signs like these around your party space will evoke that same feeling. You can make up pretend pub names, or hotel names, or simple iconic images to represent a type of shop.

Ribbons, and more
Ribbon flowed everywhere at the faire. By far this seemed to be the most popular decoration, and also very simple to recreate. Create ribbon garland by tying string to either end of posts. Cut many ribbons at approximately 12" long. Now, tie the ribbons one by one along the string, evenly spaced. Voila, a simple garland, that flutters in the wind. Another popular ribbon decoration was ribbon tied to hoops, and hung. An embroidery hoop would be the perfect thing to use to achieve this festive look.

Archery and Sport Activities
Depending on how active you want to be, there were loads of sports at the faire that could be done at a party as well. Archery was a hit for my kids. The bullseye were painted on burlap and hung on a hay bale. The archer then could shoot at it without damage to anything around. There are plenty of kids archery sets available online that use "nerf darts" and are not harmful.

Other activities included cross bow, fencing, ax throwing, etc. Perhaps some of these are too much for a party (ha!)-- but one could substitute one of these potential weapons with less harmful items and still have fun. For instance, cut an axe shape out of a sponge. Have the kids throw wet sponges at a piece of dark paper to see where they hit! A great game too when it's hot!

Crafts and More
There are many crafts that could be set up at your party as well that were scene at the faire. Braiding seemed very popular. You could hire a stylist to braid children's hair, or provide lots of yarn for kids to learn how to braid themselves. Another idea is to make a princess hat, or soft felt, simple plushie. Lastly, if you are more ambitious and have an older crowd, you could make your own candles.

I hope your Royale Faire is one that will be remembered for a long time! Huzah!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Free Printable Car or Truck Party Scavenger Hunt Game

Free Printable Car or Truck Party Scavenger Hunt Game by B.Nute productions
The kids are all rev'd up and ready to go at your Car or Truck Party-- now what do you do?? Well, have them run around and play a scavenger hunt game, of course!

Here's a free printable game, easy to set up and fun for the kids to play. The best is you can make this game as easy or hard as you like, depending on the kids ages. Here's how to play:

How to Play the Car or Truck Party Scavenger Hunt Game
1. Print out the scavenger hunt map cards, one per guest playing the game.
2. Print out the game cards (enough so that each child can find one card each.)
3. Game set up: Around your party space (yard, inside of house, park or where ever the party is being held), hide the game cards. Hide all "Flat Tire" cards together (one card for each guest). Continue to hide each card type in a different location. Follow the map to decide which order the cards should be hidden. (For instance, first hide the Flat Tire cards, then hide the Fill 'er Up cards, then the Rest area cards, so that the kids naturally find the cards in order they appear on the road of the map. They can find cards out of order if they'd like too.)
4. Once the cards are hidden, and the guests have arrived and are ready to play the game, hand out the maps to each child. Now, send them off to hunt for the cards!
Free Printable Car or Truck Scavenger Hunt Game by B.Nute productions - MAP
Free Printable Car or Truck Scavenger Hunt Game by B.Nute productions - CARDS
Instructions for Printing Your Car or Truck Scavenger Hunt Game
1. Select the links above, and print out each on an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper. Print on card stock to give the maps and cards some weight.
2. Cut out, the maps and cut out the cards. Follow the instructions above for playing the game.

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.