Friday, November 30, 2012

Free Printable Ice Skating Party Invitation

Free Printable Ice Skating Party Invitation from B.Nute productions
Remember that nifty printable Ice Skate coloring page post from a couple days back... well, voilà, it is now the perfect Free Printable Ice Skating Party invitation! Just fill in the party girl or boy's name, and the party details and your set!

You can choose to cut the skate out (like the picture above) and string with a fun ribbon, or if you're running out of time, no worries-- just fill out, cut off the top and bottom (title of printable and copyright info) and hand out to friends and family!

Have a great skating party!

Free Printable Ice Skating Party Invitation
Free Printable Ice Skating Party Invitation from B.Nute productions

Instructions for Making Your Ice Skating Party Invitation
1. Select each link above, and print out the page on an 8.5" x 11" piece of white card stock.
2. Cut out skate, fill out your party details and send off to friends and family!
Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Free Printable Coloring Page: Design Your Own Ice Skate

Free Printable Coloring Page: Design Your Own Ice Skate from B.Nute productions
Here's the perfect free printable coloring page for your Ice Skating Party. Print these out and put them in your goodie bags, or set up a little table at the rink for those who need a break from skating. Get out crayons, pens and more and let the aspiring figure skaters come up with their own ice skate design! Swirls, polka dots, stripes, and more... anything goes!

Free Printable Design Your Own Ice Skate Coloring Page from B.Nute productions
Instructions for Making Your Ice Skate Coloring Page
1. Select each link above, and print out the coloring page on an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper.
2. Start designing!
Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ice Skating Party Invitations and More

Ice Skating Party Invitation, Envelope, Thank You Postcard and Stickers by B.Nute productions on Zazzle
An Ice Skating party is the perfect theme for a winter party! The thought of being stuck indoors with excited kids and not much to do can be daunting, so why not head to the local ice rink, for loads of fun. Or, if you are lucky to live in a place where there is a frozen pond outdoors, even better!

My birthday is in the summer, so I never had an ice skating party, but I sure loved to go to them. As an adult, I've even enjoyed taking my daughter to a few. Many ice rinks offer "free skate" time for parties, but you can also hire an instructor to help out newbies or little ones. The rink my nephew had his party at even allowed a rowdy game of broom ball. The boys loved it.

To make your Ice Skating party complete, here are my vintage-style Ice Skating Party invites, envelopes, stickers and thank you postcards perfect for your aspiring figure skater. Soft snowflakes in pink, swirling type and a graceful vintage couple skaters are the perfect look for your party.

Now lace up those skates, and practice a figure 8... it's time for fun!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Free Printable Soccer Coach Thank You Card

Free printable Soccer Coach Thank You Card from B.Nute productions
Soccer season is starting to wind down, and it's time to give a huge thank you to the awesome coaches! This year my kids have had some wonderful coaches... always at practice, always positive and always encouraging fun! Here are some free printable Soccer Coach Thank You cards, the perfect way to let your coach know how much you appreciated his or her help. Slip in a gift card to his/her favorite coffee shop, store, restaurant or movie pass for that little extra thank you.

Free Printable Soccer Coach Thank You Card
Free Printable Soccer Coach Thank You Card from B.Nute productions

Instructions for Thank You Cards
1. Select link above, and print out the card on 8.5" x 11" card stock from your browser. I suggest using a heavier card stock to give the card some weight. Print in landscape mode.
2. Cut out card.
3. Fold in half, and write your greeting.
4. This card fits an A2 sized (4 3/8"x5 3/4") envelopes. 

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Soccer Party Game Ideas

Soccer Party Game Ideas from B.Nute productions
Your soccer enthusiast insists on a Soccer Party. Now what will you do to entertain the players? Here are loads of game ideas for your Soccer Party. Some ideas are straight out of a soccer practice, some are variants... either way, these game ideas should be loads of fun for the soccer star or the possible more shy ones who may be new to the game.

(Note: Many of these games are ideas for a large field/area. If your party is being held at your home, perhaps walk the gang to the local school yard or playground for the extra space. If not, a driveway or your yard will still do! For smaller spaces, use a smaller ball and/or a nerf/softer ball. For indoor spaces, consider using a plush ball.)

Warm Up Fun
Everyone needs to warm up their muscles, even little ones. Before you start the games, line the kids up and do some fun stretches, jumping jacks, high steps, and more to get their bodies moving!

How Far Can You...
Boot the Ball - Line the kids up at one end of the field. Let each kid "boot the ball" as far as he/she can. Farthest ball wins a small prize.
Throw In Challenge - Teach the kids about soccer throw ins. Once they understand how to do it (make sure both feet stay on the ground), give them a throw in challenge, like, farthest throw in or most accurate throw in (throw in that lands closest to target players feet), etc.

Juggling Tricks
You've seen those amazing players-- juggling the soccer ball every which way for hours! Have your gang practice some cool juggling tricks to impress their friends. Review some basics about juggling a soccer ball online before the party. At the party, start out with jugging with the knees (marching steps). Add in some light foot kicks (must keep in control) and possibly a chest move. See how many times they can juggle the ball/keep it in "play."

Headers: for Those Who Are Brave
Some kids just have a natural knack for knowing how to head a soccer ball. Some want NOTHING to do with it! I'm sure at your party, you may have all types. For those who'd like to try it, teach them some basics about heading a soccer ball, and then let them practice on your own. Some kids may just surprise you on how much they like it!

Relay Races
Dribbling Obstacle Course - Set up cones in a line down a field. Separate the kids into 2 teams. Have each child weave in and out of the cones dribbling the ball, then pass to the next player when done. First team that finishes wins.
The Pass It Relay (Hot Potato) - Split the kids into 2 teams. Have the kids in each team spread out in a line down the field about 10-15 feet apart (more or less depending on the age.) Start by having the first person in line pass to the next person, and so on, until the ball is passed to the last person in line. Tell the kids the ball is a hot potato and they must pass quickly, but obviously, accuracy in passing is key to as well. Once the ball is at the last person, he/she must pass it back down the line. First team to complete all the passes wins the relay.
Anything Goes Relay - This is one of those fun relays, where anything goes. Set up obstacles down a large field. From objects the kids need to dribble around, or kick the ball through a tube, or jump over or spin around-- mix it up and make it fun. The kids will love running (or dribbling the ball) through the obstacle course and finishing quickly!

Penalty Kicks on the Parents
What kid wouldn't want to shoot a penalty kick against a parent? Line the kids up for penalty shots, and have the shoot one at a time. Keep tally, Kids vs. Parents... and see how each fare!

Mixing it Up
Golf Soccer - Set up a "hole" or spot very far down the field where the kids much kick the ball to. You could put out a hula hoop as a marker, or just a string in a circle to mark the hole. Have the kids each stand at the "tee" or spot to start the kick off. Try to kick the ball into the hole with the fewest kicks.
Baseball Soccer - Have the party play a fun game of baseball, but instead of a bat and ball, use a soccer ball.

A good old fashioned scrimmage may be a great way for kids to burn off energy and have fun. Try to keep the scrimmage not too competitive so kids who may be new to the game don't feel intimidated by the soccer stars. Possible a scrimmage where passing is required, or no goalies for very little ones. Or make it a fast moving game where kids have to change positions every 5 minutes!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Soccer Party Invitations and More

Soccer Party Invitations, Thank You Postcards and Stickers from B.Nute productions on Zazzle
Our town is a huge soccer town! Ask pretty much any kid and they will let you know they play soccer. Both my kids have been playing since the ripe old age of 5. Granted, many of those early years, I don't think you could have called it "soccer" they were playing, but they were having fun.

Now that our season is in full swing, I've created Soccer Party invitation, thank you postcards and stickers perfect for your soccer player! They come in a couple bright color options and you can choose from either a boy or girl soccer player image as well.

So, time to head out to the field, dribble, shoot and score some points with your soccer enthusiast and get their party started!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Free Printable Day of the Dead Skull Coloring Page

Day of the Dead Skulls
At first glance, it may be a bit scary... but once you see more Day of the Dead skull designs, you really see how beautiful they are! Brightly colored flowers, swirls, hearts, crosses, nature, and more... I just love the look of this type of artwork.

In the spirit of the celebration, I've created a Day of the Dead Skull Coloring Page just for you. Get out your bright colored pens, and get coloring. Embellish with glitter, paint, jewels, feathers and more! I look forward to seeing your designs.

Free Printable Day of the Dead Skull Coloring Page
Free Printable Day of the Dead Skull Coloring Page from B.Nute productions
Instructions for Making your Day of the Dead Coloring Pages
1. Select each link above, and print out the coloring page on an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper (in landscape mode). 
2. Place on a table with crayons, pens and other art supplies.
3. Get coloring!

Printable items are copyright protected, and provided free of charge by B.Nute productions for personal use only. B.Nute's printables can not be sold, altered, or provided for download on any other site. For questions or inquiries, please contact B.Nute productions.